Saturday 19 December 2015


大家好!我是妞妞!早上,Lizhou带领大家敬拜,过后我们一起查约翰福音六章。约翰福音六章有说到耶稣喂养5000个人的故事。从中我们学到了人不应该为了食物或世上的需要才跟随耶稣,然而我们应该凭着信心跟随主。过后,Preacher Gideon 教我们拯救的计划。我们更加明白人是如何被拯救的,对神的信心也更加坚定。我们也更加明白不同的信仰。之后,我们讨论了各人事工方案。我们访问了许多人,Yixuan and Lizhou 访问了丘牧师,Eujuin 访问了Yuyou 导师而我访问了Preacher Gideon。

Thursday 17 December 2015

17/12/15 Day 5

Despite there being lesser people (missing Lizhou and JiaMin ;-;) today, it was still a good time of discussion and fellowship! So we started the day by with worship (with the songs Heart of Worship and Still) and although I messed up some chords in the songs (paiseh AHAHA), all that matters is that we sing from the heart amirite :)

Afterwards we did devotions on John 5 which reminded us of how just our God is and for me personally, a good reminder that worldly approval does not matter; only the approval of God does (v44). Then, we went into chapter 2 of the book 'On being presbyterian' about the amazing grace of God and the 'doctrines of grace' or also known as TULIP.

T: Total depravity -> we are corrupted and guilty people
U: Unconditional election -> election is not based on any condition
L: Limited Atonement -> limited because only God's chosen people will be saved; not the entire world
I: Irresistible Grace -> Grace given so that we are able to understand the things of God and be saved
P: Perseverance of the Saints-> We need to persevere in our faith; with the help of God

so basically this amazing grace that was given to us would be that through Christ's death and resurrection,we have been made justified, sanctified and redeemed as a child of God. which is quite humbling and amazing as despite being corrupted and guilty beings, God was so merciful that he still gave us salvation through grace!!

Oh one verse that stood out to be today would be Philippians 2: 12-13 which states 'Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed- not only in my presence but now much more in my absence- continue to work out your salvation, with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.' [Which also lead us to the 'imperatives' and 'indicatives' part! Because of the indicatives (things that we know are true about us in Christ), we are called to do imperatives (living in certain ways)]

We also talked about the book Conflict and how conflict can be a redemptive opportunity and shared about our personal experiences and learnt how to engage conflict in a Godly manner instead of ungodly conflicts that arises from our sinful desires (desires such as Comfort, Approval, Success and Power for yourself)

We had a discussion too on the different dominations which I found really interesting! and also to be honest..maybe a little conflicted as there are so many different views and doctrines but I guess they do not matter as much(?) as we are all still christians and believe in the one trinitarian God :')

Yup so today was very meaningful and fruitful! :)

-Odelia Goh

第四天- 12月16日


然后我们开始灵修。在约翰福音一章到四张,我们学到了一些功课。首先,我们要以正确的心态和思想去教会。不能把上帝的家变成交易场所。我们去教会是为了亲近神,敬拜神。而不是为了自己的利益。然后,我们也不应该把我们是基督徒的身份隐藏起来。因为罗马书1章16节说“我不以福音為恥;這福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的,先是猶太人,後是希臘人。因為神的義正在這福音上顯明出來; 這義是本於信,以致於信。如經上所記:‘義人必因信得 生。'” 最后,值得鼓舞的是yixuan分享的,在约翰福音4章34到38节。若我们撒种(传福音)却没有收割(对方还没有接受主耶稣为救主)我们不必灰心。 因为神有神的时间与美意。 

后来,我们向keet keong 弟兄学习。他教导我们种族文化在传福音的影响。在宣教的旅途上,我们经常要向与我们不同种族文化的人传福音。我们必须彼此尊重,以免不小心造成不愉快或不谅解。他也给我们比喻说在印度把手折起来是一种礼貌。但是对我们来说,当一个人在说话时,我们把手折起来是一种不赞成或不悦。 把手折起来在不同国家有着不同的含义,我们必须预备自己来更加准确的表达我们的信息。也能把福音传得更远。  


-佳敏 沐恩堂 SYIP

Tuesday 15 December 2015

第三天- 12月15日



第二,我也学习到了去短宣之前所要做的准备。无论是在心理上、在预备材料、体能或者是为哪里的文化做参考等等,我们其实是要做充分的准备,甚至应该预备得比安排的更多。这样我们才能够迎接任何的障碍。此外,我么也必须团结一致,无论在任何场合里都要以一组来一起做。这样,我们必定能够顺利地完成任务,因为在英文当中有一句话说 : "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." 意思就是说我们团结一致的时候,做出来的事的结果必定是比一个人独自做的结果更好。我应该互相支持、互相鼓励、互相帮助,也就因此这样,我们便能在基督里一起成长。


- 陈昭利洲 PPC SYIP

Monday 14 December 2015

第二天 (11/12)


今天我们在 ORPC 和 Gideon 传道上课。感谢主,一早大家都很准时开始上课,没人迟到哦!:D主要是通过一本新的书‘On Being Presbyterian by Sean Michael Lucas' 学习了‘上帝是王’。但在学习的过程中,Gideon 传道也教导了我们长老会的教派,'Creator-Creature distinction', 'Plan of Salvation' 与'4 Stages of Men by St. Augustine'。 这些东西都不是在礼拜天崇拜能学习到,因此我们也感到很有趣。尤其是对 ’上帝只选了救某些人’ 的问题,一直都有些好奇和纠结。

今天 Gideon 传道向我们解释了,我们都获益不浅。我学到的不管上帝是否只选了几个人,但我们还是要传福音。因为这是上帝所交代我们人类要这样行。讨论当中也开始发现人类的却是很不配的,上帝还是却那么宽恕我们,爱我们。自己感到很温馨!

-卓猷俊  PPC SYIP

10 December 2015

10/12/2015 marks the first day we interns of the SYIP start off our internship programme! As a start, we went to the Escape Hunt at Concorde Hotel. It was indeed a very fun and great way to hype up the spirit of us interns to kick start our internship programme! We also spent some time there to enjoy tea and briefly go through the internship schedule and things to take note. we also delegated roles for the internship programme.

Afterwards we proceeded to Plaza Singapura to have lunch. Upon reaching, Lim Ning(niuniu) suddenly ran off towards a carnival where there are many fun things to do! Since we all had time, we all followed and went to enjoy ourselves at the carnival.

Tired, we then entered Plaza Singapura to cool ourselves down ans enjoyed aircon. we took awhile to decide what to eat for lunch.In the end we decided to lunch at Ajisen Ramen!! Lunch was indeed filling and everyone had a great fellowship time together! I almost forgot what I ordered  though! Haha!

With our stomachs filled, we went to get a pass for the carnival and wanted to have fun at the snow globe booth. However, due to the bad weather, we could not participate in it... We then decided to have ice cream at macdonalds!! Li Zhou and Niu Niu were the quickest to get to macdonalds to queue for their cravings. As they were queuing up, Eujuin went to look for seats.

When we were settling down, Li Zhou accidentally kicked against a chair and his pinkie toenail broke! Ouch! Gideon then went to buy some plasters for him and we comforted him by cracking some jokes to keep his mood high. He is a brave young man and he decided to walk up to SYNOD instead of taking a taxi. This was despite knowing there is a long flight of stairs up and long distance to walk. It was God's Grace that we all made it to the Presbyterian Church House which was on Sophia Road

At the Presbyterian Church House, we had a very fruitful session with Reverend Tan. Reverend Tan is the General Secretary pf the Presbyterian Church House. We interns got to know more Presbyterian churches in Singapore and the structure of the SYNOD. We also got exposed to knowing more of what is a Presbyterian church. After Reverend Tan's Sharing, we officially ended our first day of internship! What a day it was!
-Heng Yi Xuan SYIP